The Holy Spirit: Another Helper

Mysterious Helper

What is this mysterious driver that moves these people, the weak and quiet Saints I sit with at church? (See: The Holy Spirit: Our Weakness)

“And I will ask the Father and he will give you another helper, to be with you forever…” John 14:16 (ESV)

When Jesus ascended to God, even though his disciples would not see him anymore he promised not to leave them alone and powerless (read: Joy & Sorrow Constant Companions). For those who accept Christ as a living, breathing force–a reality in their everyday lives–Jesus offers the Holy Spirit, if we are willing. He can’t be with us physically but his essence can. But what’s the point? Why the need? Simply put, not to be alone and powerless. We need a helper, an energy that moves in and around us, and an experience that makes God known and real.

We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.  1 John 5:17 (NIV)


What is surprising is the number of Christians, and I mean long-term, faithful, wonderful Christians who have never tapped or plugged into Jesus’ offering, or have but then let it slip. And I have an uncomfortable sense of having gravitated towards the latter. There is a reason I am back in the church pew observing the quiet Saints.

Many Christians live by doctrine, attempting to mirror their lives with Christ–to gather in community, worship God, pray, do good works and so on–true believers in a Christ that hears and helps them. But to experience God’s presence and see things happen where they can tell God is working, well that personal contact is remote.

The Holy Spirit: A Helper–No Different Today

In the early Christian church before becoming a doctrine the Holy Spirit was experienced through acts of power within the body of believers and among them. Attributed to this power were many fantastic happenings but most important was experiences of God’s love and his union with Christ’s followers. God became known not just through dogmatic acceptance by faith and later through doctrine but through lived experience.

Lives touched by the Holy Spirit changed. Not necessarily on the outside, although often that followed, but necessarily on the inside.


It is no different today.

Jesus’ promise stands now and for all.

There is no need to go it alone, stubbornly struggling and hoping we have enough faith to get by. Jesus promises a helper and by the power of the Holy Spirit God becomes tangibly and intimately known. We simply have to ask the Helper for love to come alive.

But before we ask, best to prepare mind and heart because after we ask comes so much more.

To be continued…

2 Replies to “The Holy Spirit: Another Helper”

  1. As always Carolin, I enjoyed your post……it speaks to my soul and awakens my very core…….I am empty without God by my side.