The Veil in the Temple of our Minds

The last blog post (refer: illustrated how it looks when we relate to another with our pre-conceptions tightly framed–secured and unmoving against any change. At the least such exchanges are uncomfortable and awkward; at the most nations can walk roads to war and annihilation. The veil in our mind limits.


I have window blinds in my house that with a tight close shut out the hot summer sun or in winter hold secure the furnace warmth. When the blower on the furnace activates the flow of air toggles the blind folds allowing in flashes of intermittent light. As the blinds oscillate, I catch glimpses of the brightness outside, but beyond the picture is obscured.

This reminds me of the veil described in the bible that hung in the temple in Jerusalem within an inner room, a sacred room where God lived. Too painful to watch the veil protected God from the sight of man’s treacheries (refer Habakkuk 1:13).

Sources describe the veil as being sixty feet in height, thirty feet wide and four inches thick ( Sounds more like a giant carpet than the flimsy and wafting image evoked by a veil. If any light cast from burning candles escaped the inner sanctum it would seep around the cracks of the veil edges, offering to those outside a vague promise of more.

When we discard our mis-conceptions concerning others, like the light flitting out from the sides of the temple veil, we see the promise of more. What happens when the veil slips and parts in the temple of our minds?

His Yin to Her Yang

Once upon-a-time a woman complained her husband was too judgmental and often he was. But as the years progressed, the woman realized that her sensitivity towards her husband’s censuring nature was heightened due to her own relationship style. With a world view shadowed in gray her comfort was with compromise and collaboration. His views were black and white.


She recognized the imbalance in her perspective. For society to keep balance justice and fairness must be present and lines of accountability defined and respected. Harm caused by a person, whether intentional or not, needs accountability, for the person to take responsibility and not told everything is okay when not.

Such was the case with the couples’ teenage daughter reluctant to accept her role in its cause after getting into a car accident. The woman realized that her husband’s distinct framework in calling their daughter to account served a specific and necessary role. He was the Yin to her Yang, his serving facets of fairness and accountability, hers to compromise and collaboration. To relate well required a blending of both perspectives.

From then on, the woman attended more to his arguments. After distilling extraneous emotional encumbrances she perceived purity in his thoughts, catching glimpses of the light behind the veil in his inner sanctum. In evidence were distinct values–sign posts for charting balanced action in society and relationship management. Her awareness increased as to the unique role his voice served. She listened more and argued less.

The Tearing of the Temple Veil

Reports tell when Jesus takes his last breath while hanging on a wooden cross of execution the sixty foot long, thirty foot wide and four-inch thick veil in the temple in Jerusalem rips apart–from top to bottom not vice-versus.


Something of infinite power destroys the barrier separating the holiest of holies. Revealed is the new face of God. No longer is a mysterious cloaked God hidden in an inner sanctum. In Jesus, a real, relatable, accessible and flesh-and-blood person, humankind see’s God face-to-face.

It is the same when relinquishing narrow viewpoints and boxed perceptions. The veil clouding our mind rips allowing light to pinpoint mistaken perceptions and truth to disintegrate fixed judgements. We perceive the unique and distinct in another. A piece in life’s puzzle snaps neatly into place.

The next blog post will start a new discussion theme called: Invisible Miracles

Where has God parted the veil to reveal a piece in the puzzle of your life?

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