Designed for Intelligence
Made in God’s image it stands to reason humankind is imbued with intelligence, but questionable that may seem. Not all are intellectuals. Each has a mind and a way of learning. It is up to us to do the best we can within our given capacity.
“The hallmark of intelligence is not whether one believes in God or not, but the quality of the processes that underlie one’s beliefs.” Alister McGrath
Remember, God is about relationship which means it’s a two-way street. To optimize on the relationship, we must respond to that which meets us on the road. Whether our intelligence quotient is reminiscent of a Lamborghini or a Nissan Micra, whatever vehicle, it promises an interesting ride when we step on board.
Problems arise when we think we know more than God. Arrogance is a sure-fire killer of spiritual growth. It erects un-scalable walls. An infallible belief in our own superiority rejects new ideas, alternate perspectives and the wise and experienced counsel of others. Thought streams through our own limited and murky filters rather than through the broad and pervasive clarity of God’s orderly mind.
“There is no worse screen to block out the Spirit than confidence in our own intelligence.” John Calvin
Human intellect is limited:
What God has planned for people who love him is more than eyes have seen or ears have heard. It has never even entered out minds! 1 Corinthians 2:9 (CEV)
Intelligence Sifted through the Cauldron of God’s Mind
It is far better to sift one’s intelligence through the cauldron of God’s mind and the Bible is a likely place to start as a prime source of counsel. Look at the credentials behind the intelligence gathered for this one book: the diversity and expansiveness, the many and varied sources, the unprecedented perspectives.
Sourced from:
The Bible was written:
- over a 1500 year span (from 1400 B.C to A.D. 100)
- over 40 generations
- over 40 authors from many walks of life (i.e. – kings, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, poets, statesmen, scholars)
- in different places (i.e. – wilderness, dungeon, palaces)
- at different times (i.e. – war, peace)
- in different moods (i.e. – heights of joy, depths of despair)
- on three continents (Asia, Africa, and Europe)
- in three languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek)
The Bible is a treasure chest of intelligence on the mind of God. But like Pandora’s Box once we open the lid what gets unleashed can never get put back. If we bear with it power compels us, sweeping into ever-deepening understanding and wisdom.
To be continued (refer next post).
Intelligence on Bible facts—can you share other interesting facts?