Continued from BLOG: THE CALL (5)
Constant Call
Tapping into the constant yet quiet stirring in my mind a friend urged, “Write the book. Do it now. Don’t wait.”
Where did the idea even come from? I had little training – under my belt I a few writing courses and workshops but no other experience. My background was as a business professional not as a writer. What could I possibly write that would interest anyone? My life wasn’t exciting it was ordinary.
Yet, my passion for words had grown. But even more deeply rooted was a spiritual restlessness. I loved God but yearned for a deeper experience of God’s presence – heart-to heart – a sense of touch in the air I breathed, the food I ate, the people I met and in the pain and joy I felt. In every instance I longed for a relationship that was fully alive. I wondered if there were others who similarly pinned.
The two seemed closely intertwined – writing and God – for years I had kept a spiritual journal quietly recording the hidden stirrings of my heart, but what of it?
Constant Excuses
But it seems when God calls there is generally a time of preparation, a building-up of needed resources and the provisioning of preliminary tools, at least enough to get you going.
I recalled Moses from the Old Testament being called by God to do something he wouldn’t normally do and wasn’t prepared to do. God wanted the Pharaoh in Egypt to release the Jewish slaves he held in bondage. More particularly he wanted Moses to negotiate their release – no small request as Pharaoh was a very powerful ruler.
Moses argued with God. He simply wasn’t the man for the job. But at every turn God countered his excuses by providing a resource. Moses must have thought he finally had the perfect argument in his lack of ability to speak well (Exodus 4: 1, 10-14 (NIV) – why would Pharaoh listen to him? Moses’ brother, Aaron, was however, an eloquent speaker. Exasperated with Moses God sent Aaron to go with Moses and speak for him.
Isn’t it ironic that Moses had enough pith to clearly argue his refusal points to God but not enough gall to put God’s position forward to Pharaoh?
I could relate – blending a growing spiritual restlessness and passion for God with the quiet and innocuous practice of journaling into writing a book? Well, I had plenty more excuses than Moses ever invented.
Constancy of Historical Beacons
An interesting aspect of Old Testament stories, particularly as written over centuries by many and varied authors, is the constant expressions of God’s faithfulness. In almost every major story God reminds the central character of the provisions he supplied in past events. A minister friend put it this way: “What God has done in the past secures the relationship in the present.”
When we turn our heads back to look at events we remember how God took care of us. These are historical benchmarks in our faith journey; posted assurances that give hope and instil courage when challenged with something new. We can trust in the present because of how we experienced God’s faithfulness in the past.
A call is many layered but fundamentally the premise is about relationship. It is God’s purpose to show us more of his nature, to build trust in the relationship. He builds trust by providing what we need when we need it.
God opened a door when I had just about given up on the idea of expanding my educational base. Would he do the same now if I were to say yes to write a book? I remembered a time I made a fateful mistake – my failing – and he turned a major error to my advantage.
To be continued in the next post.
Do you argue with God and over what? Reflect on the historical beacons in your life where God has looked after you. Can you name provided resources or support or strategies that met your need?
Yes, over work, over sickness among family and friends. God has continued to provide me with strength and friends to share with when the going gets really tough.
Our friends are so often the hands of God reaching out to love and support us when we are most in need.