BLOG: THE CALL (3) Eye on the Target – Focus, Focus, Focus

Continued from BLOG: THE CALL (2)…

When we say yes to God’s call be ready to keep steadfast focus, take risks and work hard. A call from God may not encompass the pleasures and delights aspired to in a bucket list, such a decision is not without cost. But in saying yes we may discover a sense of wholeness; something inside aligns with God. A profound completeness evolves as we move forward in synchronicity.

That is how it was with my journey to acquire a professional credit designation. The road was long but step-by-step I walked with a sense God walked with me.

It must have been the same heart-to-heart feeling Jesus experienced when on his way to Jerusalem. Luke’s gospel (Luke 9:51-62) describes the journey. With his disciples Jesus passes through a Samaritan town. Uncharacteristically he pays no attention to the town’s population, or conversely the town pays him no attention. The Samaritans weren’t keen on Jesus’ type of Jewishness and where Jesus came from they were not keen on Samaritans. Either way, it did not matter.The gospel notes Jesus was exclusively focused on where he was going – Jerusalem – rather than who he conversed with along the way. He was unwavering in his determination to get to his destination. His ministry would culminate in Jerusalem: Gods’ will for humanity made complete in his crucifixion and resurrection – death to an old life, birth to a new – change and transformation. His heart aligned with God’s.

As they journey Jesus speaks to his disciples about the implications of following God’s call. Through allegory he warns them: be willing to let go of your past and move on; be willing to let go of all that is familiar and wade into unchartered waters. Woman in Uncharted WatersThe essence of the stories Jesus relates: keeping one’s eyes fixed on God – focus, focus, focus.

Focus On Ourselves and We Become Discouraged

When we look to our own circumstances we tend to focus internally and often become discouraged – there is no hope and we can’t possibly do what needs doing – the job is too complex, too demanding, too long. But when we look to God although our circumstances may not drastically change, we do. We move away from doubt towards a confidence that grows as our will aligns with God’s. And the thing that will not go away – the call – after much time and testing remains. Surely the path forward evolves as we keep our eye on the target.


The years studying for my credit designation were difficult. In my daily job I worked hard but assuming the extra burden of course loads – there were days I didn’t think I was going to make it. No matter how much effort I put in there were times I was not successful. Some of the course material was extremely difficult. I prayed a lot. The sense that God had led me to this path never diminished. Surely he would not abandon me; I had to trust him. And with each passing course not only did my knowledge grow but an assurance in myself as a Credit Professional.

After four years I graduated.

To be continued in the next post The Call (4).

What price have you paid to make a commitment? What does staying focused mean to you?

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