Greetings and welcome to the Advent/Christmas newsletter Joy (fully) We Adore Thee – the third in a series of four.
During this session of joy I continue to introduce my blog writer website. Thereafter, regular blog posts will appear on my website once or twice a week with the occasional newsletter.
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As with the first and second newsletters this serves to herald the advent of new beginnings where we look towards what we hope for.
The Foundation of Joy is a Rock
I think, maybe, that joy follows peace in the Christian advent cycle because it is difficult to experience joy if we are not first at peace. Peace is the wellspring of joy – the harbinger of happiness. It is represented by the third lit candle on the Christian advent wreath and it is the colour pink.
Joy is also someone I know. I often say her mother named her well. She is a Newfie (for any non-Canadians reading this newsletter this is a beloved nic-name for persons from the province of Newfoundland). And I don’t think Joy minds when I call her
“Newfie” as it always gets delivered with an affectionate smile and twinkle in my eye. And like so many of my Newfoundlander friends and acquaintances I often want to hug and kiss Joy as she is so kind, hospitable and happy.
My friend, Joy, goes about her life with a solid equanimity. Maybe it’s because she comes from the Rock (another Canadian colloquialism when speaking about Newfoundland). Although today the province is more developed Newfoundland’s harsh climate and rough terrain make for a challenging environment, yet it is breathtakingly beautiful. Historically, the citizenry have often endured scarcity and difficult economic times. Like so many of her countrymen and countrywomen Joy greets her life challenges with steadfastness and subtle humour. She exudes a quiet confidence in her ability to survive. Her Christian faith is no less solid. Anchored together the two find their embodiment in her birth name.
The Wolf and the Lamb or the Cat and the Budgie
I should not be surprised the day I visit Joy’s home. The cat that clearly roams and “owns” the house shows no interest in the tiny budgie bird Joy tucks in her sleeve. There is a sense of peace as we sit in her living room to chat. I am reminded of that bible verse where “The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat” (Isaiah 11:6 NIV). And, I am sure to the delight of any vegetarians, further along the passage it notes “the lion will eat hay like the ox.” No more infighting for resources.
That day I catch a small glimpse of a utopian world where God’s creations live together in harmony. And that’s where Joy lives. Her security lies in something deeply rooted – founded in bedrock – that provides a place for peace and joy to reside.
I think it is time to give Joy another hug and kiss.
Carolin M. Paradis – An Everyday Storyteller
Lovely write up on Joy.
Thank You. This is beautiful.
Joy,I look to your solid faith when mine flags. You are always an inspiration.