Greetings and welcome to the Advent/Christmas newsletter The Peace that Passes Understanding – the second in a series of four.
During this session of peace I continue to introduce my blog writer website Carolin M. Paradis – Stories that Bridge Heart and Heaven. Thereafter, regular blog posts will appear on my website once or twice a week.
If you would like to follow along please sign-up to receive notifications when blogs are posted (right sidebar to enter your email address) and to subscribe to occasional newsletters via email please do the same under the menu tab “Newsletter.”
As with the first this second newsletter serves to herald the advent of new beginnings where we look towards what we hope for. The second lit candle on the Christian advent wreath represents peace.
Peace – Longed for Yet Elusive
For me, peace is longed for yet elusive. With no background to guide me I labour to launch my website, and before was to write two books about real people discovering God in everyday places. I’ve never done either of these things.
As I press forward on a December launch deadline and drum away at my computer I feel the stress accumulate below the surface of my skin. The tingle on my upper lip signals the promise of a cold sore – haven’t had one of those in years.
For a long time I make my family wait. As I respond to an intractable pull on my soul to write the pressure mounts. Surely my energies can be put to more lucrative endeavours. With lost sleep at night I hurry to establish a writer platform.
A friend’s prompt also reminds me this time of year is not happy and joyous for all. Many are under stress. There is no peace for those who mourn the loss of loved ones, or struggle to feed themselves, or battle with mental or ill health, or face myriad other challenges that typically plague humankind.
Yet, in the Christian bible it speaks of a peace that passes understanding (Philippians 4:7). I so desperatley want some of that, but where to find it?
An Unfathomable Place
My mother is eighty-six. She is a woman with a simple faith and with ever growing physical ailments she muses about the end. She thinks heaven will be about that “peace that passes understanding.” That it will be a place of profound rest where worry and anxiety are no longer present – a place I can barely fathom.
But must I die to realize that peace? Must I hope for death?
So often, death is figurative rather than literal. I can attest to that. Don’t ever believe any of those talking-heads who claim you can set-up a website in twenty minutes. Well…they don’t exactly lie. You can set-up a website in twenty minutes but it isn’t anything the world wants to see. I live a million deaths as I fumble through a learning curve so steep the altitude leaves me breathless.
Yet, on those days where I actually make gains I am filled with deep satisfaction and accomplishment. For a brief period I taste complete and profound peace. My heart and mind in union with the creations of that day.
I wonder if that is where peace lives – in my heart and mind when in union with creation and the Creator. And I think that is what I must hope for.
Carolin M. Paradis – An Everyday Storyteller
Peace is elusive – some days just looking at the snow makes me joyous. I find I have to let go of the busyness and just sit with a lit candle, close my eyes and focus on God and Jesus to get a sense of peace. Keep searching.