The First Newsletter: What We Hope For

Greetings and welcome to this first in a series of four Advent/Christmas newsletters that during this season of hope introduce my blog writer website. Thereafter, I will publish regular blog posts once or twice a week.

In many Western Christian churches Advent is the time leading up to Christmas. It is a time of waiting and hope – of expectancy – something is going to change, something is coming. Anticipation runs high as we turn our faces to scan the horizon. Surely what we wait for will soon crest the ridge and come into full view. Dare we hold our breath; it is almost here – what we hope for.

And the day comes and it is brilliant. We celebrate the long-awaited arrival: the birth of a new beginning.

For Christians it symbolizes a newborn baby, Jesus lying in a simple cradle – a new beginning in our relationship with God. Whether seasoned or starting wisely we serve ourselves to carry it tenderly. The gift wrapped in our arms is precious. Hold it carefully – it is really our heart – infused with love.

Hope – A Beginning

Advent Wreath First Light: Hope

Advent Wreath First Light: Hope

For me, it is as with my newly launched blog writer website and this first newsletter. It seemed I waited forever…and finally…it is here. My heart is full of thanksgiving but like a new mother I am nervous. What if I fumble?

The blog writer website is not my first child though it is closely related and will play a role in raising another beginning.

A while ago when I was at the cross-road of a major life change there was a collision. Caught in the melee was my job loss, spiritual restlessness, fascination with peopled stories and a passion for writing. Out of the ensuing chaos evolved the writing of one narrative non-fiction book that turned into two – about people’s experiences of God. At the crux was the often surprising discovery of God’s presence in unexpected places – in the ordinary places of everyday living.

Hope For Another Beginning

The blog writer website has two goals. One intends to point the way and prepare for the birth of another new beginning – the hoped for publication of the two books I have written. The other is to engage with those who journey spiritually and be encouraged and inspired – and of course to write about it.

And how about you, are you waiting for something? Is your spirit restless? Do you long for something but you don’t know what – on the cusp of change –  advent of a new life?

And when discovering that new life where will you take it? Who will you show it to or allow holding it? It is tiny and not yet strong; likely you will need help as it starts to grow. Who will that be – who will help to nurture this new life?

Hope For Each Other

Maybe we can help each other – comrades for a while in our respective walks of life, looking for and finding God in those intimate places where we closely live. I invite you to follow along or give voice to the life forces you discover in small everyday places and engage in my writer website blog.

I welcome your company. But if not, perhaps you know of others who may wish to journey and you can share the link to my website. For future newsletters via email please visit the Newsletter Sign-Up and add your name and email address.

It is almost here – what we hope for.

Welcome this new beginning and grow in hope, peace, joy and love.

Carolin M. Paradis – An Everyday Storyteller