The First Blog Word “In the beginning…”

“In the beginning was the word…`” John 1:1 (NJB)

It all started with…what? The word “fired” but no it wasn’t like that. It was polite. A few quiet words across a board room table but there was no definitive starting line like a runner braced to launch the race of her career. Indeed my business career fell apart with “we are closing your department.” But the change in direction started before that, came subtly and moved in increments – a slow fading of one life as the old colours bled and blended into the new.

“…and the word was with God and the word was God.” John 1:1 (NJB)

I had no idea that my spiritual restlessness would make me into a writer and an author, and that I would end up backwards in the book marketing process. Prevailing literary authorities’ council to start with a social media platform, blog, build an audience, and then write a book readers will enjoy. Yikes, I wrote a book that turned into two and now blog. But how could I have started with a blog about stuff I didn’t even know yet?

“Through him all things came into being,” John 1:2 (NJB)

What I did start with was stuff that I knew; everyday stuff: God’s whisperings through thoughts and reflections on things intimate and familiar to me – family and daily living. And when I ran out of things to write about my life experiences (soon got bored with that – old news to me) I wasn’t expecting much of a response when I lobbied people. I wanted to know about their experiences of God. Was God alive in their lives?

With growing astonishment what I received turned into The Tapestry Book series that evolved two non-fiction books with working titles: Called by Name – Finding God in Everyday Places and Intimate Connections – God’s Graces Revealed in Everyday Places.

“not one thing came into being except through him.” John 1:3 (NJB)

As mentioned – wisdom dictates that writers – particularly non-fiction writers and first time writers (both like me) – must self-market to build audience interest before attempting to court the notice of literary agents and publishers. I am not surprised.

We live in a self-serve society where a person becomes the resident expert for many aspects of daily living. We have self-serve banking, self-serve grocery checkout and self-serve gas; with bottomless information on the Internet we can even self-diagnose our ailments and often self-treat our afflictions which invariably end in self-check-in at the hospital emergency.

With the advent of social media self-marketing and self-advertising are the new norms. Soon, professionals will go the way of the dodo bird and those savants who once guided society with their expert knowledge will become equally extinct as the self-servers serve themselves. This is the new world order.

If it sounds like I am complaining, I am.

Three Herb Cans“What has come into being in him was life,” John 1:4 (NJB)

Oddly enough, when I began a business career my university degree majored in marketing. I even worked briefly in marketing for a manufacturer. That was before a conglomerate purchased the company and had sense to see the pointlessness in marketing metal cans. It was kind of like marketing water or green grass.

Come to think of it though, in today’s age there is some pretty amazing water marketing. You just have to walk down a grocery aisle to witness the full array of sparkling, coloured, flavoured, spring feed, glacier driven and many, many more wet varieties.

And I bet you thought that grass was just green. How about Kentucky Blue grass, Perennial Rye grass and Creeping Bent grass to name a few?

Who would have thought that water was just not water and grass was just not grass? And a writer cannot just write? Yes, I am annoyed.

“life that was the light of men;” John 1:4 (NJB)

Yet, why should I bang my head against changing times? One of the central themes of The Tapestry Books is change and transformation. The books are about true people, not made up people, but ordinary everyday people as common as water and grass and even metal cans. Discovering God in the everyday places of their lives never again are they who they were before.

“and light shines in darkness,” John 1:5 (NJB)

There are many profound experiences shared in The Tapestry Books, some are mine but many more are the stories of friends and strangers alike. Each chapter speaks to a unique theme or challenge and there is much to think about.

Maybe this is the underlying purpose for my backwardness – a reason for the reverse order in marketing strategy – to slow down. Maybe even to stop; to think again and to linger for a while to reflect. Pray on the revealed truths. It takes time to root new thinking and new ways of being. Growth is gradual, requiring nourishment and cultivation.

“and darkness could not overpower it.” John 1:5 (NJB)

As such, in my blog I am revisiting each chapter and will attempt to pull one-by-one, day-by-day or more realistically week-by-week due to time constraints, the startling wisdom God seems to whisper through the heart of each story or reflection and I will share it with you as a post.

But my dearest hope is that you, dear Reader, will join me. Do you, too, have experiences to share? How is God touching your life?

I invite you to walk with me.

That is the purpose behind this blog post and for the intended subsequent postings either here on my website or Facebook page or Twitter feed, so that we might travel with each other for a while, to support each other as we journey. Let us see where God will lead.

And maybe eventually you will even want to read my books.

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